When you have your teeth cleaned by a dentist or a dental hygienist, you may have a lot of questions. How frequently do you require exams and cleanings in Phoenix, AZ? What exactly is cleaning? And what can you eat after you’ve had your teeth cleaned? We’ve all heard the secret to healthy teeth: brush regularly, floss regularly, and limit sugar intake.
Food particles that remain on our teeth feed the bacteria that live in our mouths. Bacteria produce acid from digestion when food is abundant. This acid then eats away at the enamel, resulting in tooth decay. That is why it is critical to brush your teeth after eating. Strong teeth and healthy gums can help you avoid a variety of diseases.
After you’ve had your teeth cleaned or have plaque-free teeth, avoid eating anything that could get stuck in your gums. Chips, nuts, popcorn, and sticky and chewy foods like chocolate with caramel and dried fruits are examples of these foods.
Foods that Can Cause Gum Disease
Any food that has a high chance of getting stuck in your gums is bad for you when your teeth and gums are sensitive. These include chips, popcorn, nuts, and chewy and sticky foods like dried fruits and chocolates
Acidic Foods that May be Harsh on Your Gums
Any acidic food or drink, such as tomatoes, citrus fruits, pickles, fruit juice, and red wine, is harsh on your mouth after a thorough dental cleaning. Spicy and heavily seasoned foods may also cause discomfort in your mouth.
Foods that Are Possibly Too Large for Your Jaw
Hamburgers, for example, will make you open your mouth wider. They may be too large for your jaw to handle, requiring you to bite/chew more forcefully. Avoid putting strain on your teeth while they heal. You can eat as much as you can tolerate, but be gentle with your mouth for the next 48 hours.
Food that is Simple to Chew and Swallow
They are not difficult to rinse out. Choose soups, pasta, soft-cooked rice, yogurt, eggs, banana, mashed potatoes, and other similar foods. Food and nutrition are essential for quick healing.
It is fine to eat foods that are easy to swallow and will not irritate sensitive gums and teeth. Soups, soft-cooked rice, bananas, mashed potatoes, eggs, and soft bread are examples of these foods. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush any debris from your mouth.
If you continue to feel a sensation in your mouth, contact the dentist near you to have it checked. While you are free to eat whatever you want after a dental cleaning, there may be some foods you should avoid. Some foods to avoid for a while after cleaning include:
1. Scrambled Eggs
Scrambled eggs are a great breakfast option as long as they aren’t too hot. They are high in protein and don’t take much effort to chew.
2. Soup
Not only is soup simple to prepare and consume, but it is also high in nutrients. Plus, adding soft vegetables makes it healthier! To avoid discomfort, make sure the soup is smooth and not too hot before eating it.
3. Sweet and Mashed Potatoes
Mashed potatoes are high in nutrients and easy to chew and swallow. Also, sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help in the prevention of oral disease.
4. Ice Cream
Who does not enjoy ice cream? With this treat, you’ll forget about your discomfort! Because ice cream is cool and soft, it does not require as much jaw muscle to eat. It can help to reduce any natural swelling in the mouth caused by the treatment.
5. Smoothies
Fresh fruits are ideal for a delectable smoothie. Blueberries, for example, have more antioxidants than any other fruit. It will boost the immune system and prevent gum diseases.
6. Pasta or Noodles
Noodles or pasta is an excellent post-dental-treatment meal. Make sure to cook them until they are very soft and ready to eat.
7. Pancakes
Pancakes are simple to prepare and are always a good choice if your teeth are sensitive after a dental procedure.
To keep up your dental examination, you should visit our office regularly. If you’re wondering how long you should wait to eat after a teeth cleaning, the best thing to do is ask your dentist. We eagerly await your response.